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Waar zijn winterbanden verplicht in Europa?

Een overzicht van de regelgeving

Wettelijke voorschriften over het gebruik van winterbanden kunnen per land en zelfs per regio verschillen. Waar zijn winterbanden dan verplicht in Europa? En waar worden ze aanbevolen?

Uniroyal Winter Tyres in Europe EN Graphic Winter tyre laws across Europe

Waar zijn winterbanden verplicht in Europa?

  • Oostenrijk
  • Wit-Rusland
  • Bosnië-Herzegovina
  • Tsjechië
  • Estland
  • Finland
  • Duitsland
  • IJsland
  • Letland
  • Litouwen
  • Macedonië
  • Moldavië
  • Montenegro
  • Rusland
  • Servië
  • Slovenië
  • Zweden

Wettelijke voorschriften over het gebruik van winterbanden kunnen per land en zelfs per regio verschillen. Waar zijn winterbanden dan verplicht in Europa? En waar worden ze aanbevolen?

Neem in acht dat de wettelijke voorschriften op basis van lokale temperatuurwijzigingen kunnen worden bijgewerkt en aangepast. Het is dus raadzaam om ze nogmaals te controleren, voordat u in de winter naar het buitenland vertrekt. Zo krijgen grote delen van het Verenigd Koninkrijk slechts zelden te maken met langdurige periodes van extreme koude. Maar als het gebeurt, kiezen de meeste bestuurders ervoor om hun voertuig niet te gebruiken. Het zou dus economisch niet zinvol zijn om winterbanden te verplichten.

Europese wetten en voorschriften

 Legal requirementCompliant datesDetails
AlbaniaWinter tyres are not mandatory.Between 1st November and 30th April it is compulsory to carry snow chains. 
AndorraWinter tyres are not mandatory.1st November to 15th AprilMinimum tread depth 4mm
ArmeniaWinter tyres are not compulsory but tyres must be appropriate for winter conditions  
AustriaWinter tyres are mandatory. Snow chains should be carried.1st November to 15th AprilMinimum tread depth 4mm. Tyres must feature M&S symbol
BelarusWinter tyres are mandatory. Snow chains are permitted.1st December to 1st March 

Winter tyres are not mandatory. Snow chains are permitted.

Bosnia HerzegovinaWinter, all-season or snow chains are mandatory. Snow chains and a shovel must be carried.1st November to 15th April 
BulgariaWinter tyres are recommended. Snow chains should be carriedSnow chains must be carried between 1st November and 31st March 
CroatiaIn sleet, snow and ice, at least two winter type tyres must fitted to the drive axle. Snow chains and a shovel must be carried. Minimum tread depth is 4mm
CyprusWinter tyres are recommended.  
Czech RepublicWinter tyres are mandatory. Snow chains are mandatory where instructed.1st November to 1st AprilMinimum tread depth is 4mm
DenmarkWinter or all-season tyres recommended. Snow chains are permitted.  
EstoniaWinter tyres are mandatory.1st December to end FebruaryMinimum tread depth is 3mm
FinlandWinter or all-season tyres are mandatory. Snow chains are permitted.1st December to end FebruaryTyres must feature M&S symbol. Minimum tread depth is 3mm
FranceAs a general rule, the fitting of winter tyres is not mandatory. However, in certain mountainous regions, winter tyres are necessary. Snow chains may be permitted as an alternative.  
GermanyRegulations brought in in 2010 require all passenger cars and motorbikes to be fitted with winter tyres or all season tyres on all axles in wintry conditions. Snow chains should be carried.  
GreeceWinter tyres are not compulsory but tyres must be appropriate for winter conditions. Snow chains are permitted.  
HungaryWinter tyres are not mandatory but you must carry snow chains with you in case driving conditions deteriorate.  
IcelandWinter or all-season tyres mandatory.1st November to 14th AprilDates do change so please double-check
ItalyWinter tyres are recommended but only compulsory on specific roads. You must carry snow chains in certain areas.15th October to 15th April.In Val d’Aosta vehicles must be fitted with either winter tyres or snow chains
LatviaWinter tyres are mandatory.1st December to 1st March 
LithuaniaWinter tyres are mandatory.1st November to 1st April 
LuxemburgWinter tyres are not compulsory but tyres must be appropriate for winter conditions  
MacedoniaWinter tyres are not mandatory. Snow chains must be carried.15th November to 15th MarchMinimum tread depth is 5mm
MoldovaWinter tyres are mandatory.1st December to 1st March 
MontenegroWinter tyres are mandatory.15th November to 31st March 
NorwayWinter tyres or snow chains must be used if snow or ice has covered the road but otherwise winter tyres are recommended but not mandatory. It is compulsory to carry snow chains Minimum tread depth 3mm
PolandWinter tyres are recommended but are not compulsory  
PortugalWinter tyres are not compulsory but snow chains are mandatory where signage indicates.  
RomaniaWinter tyres are not compulsory but tyres must be appropriate for winter conditions Minimum tread depth is 2mm
RussiaWinter tyres are mandatory and snow chains must be carried.  
SerbiaWinter tyres are mandatory. Snow chains must be carried.1st November to 1st April (although may be extended)Minimum tread depth is 4mm
SlovakiaWinter tyres are not compulsory but tyres carrying the M&S symbol must be used when compacted snow or ice is on the road.  
SloveniaWinter tyres are mandatory. Snow chains and a shovel must be carried.15th November to 15th March 
SpainThe use of winter tyres in Spain is regional. Look out for traffic signs indicating that winter tyres or snow chains are compulsory in that area.  
SwedenWinter tyres are mandatory. Snow chains are recommended1st December to 31st MarchTyres must feature M&S symbol and have a minimum tread depth of 3mm.
SwitzerlandWinter tyres are not compulsory across the whole country but tyres must be appropriate for winter conditions Look out for traffic signs indicating where winter tyres or snow chains are mandatory.  
TurkeyWinter tyres are not mandatory. Snow chains must be carried in certain areas.  
UkraineWinter tyres are not mandatory.  
United KingdomWinter tyres are not mandatory but snow chains are permitted  


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